Sunday, November 30, 2008

Usia & Kahwin....

Ada satu artikel di Utusan-Kesihatan smlm wat aku terfikir smpi sekarang...Kisah nye (seperti yg da di paste kat atas) seorang nenek nama dia Wook Kundur (selayaknye moyang da) berumur 106 tahun bercerita macamana dia kekal sihat dan kuat walaupun usia nya besar...

Tapi itu kurang menarik lg,lebih menarik dia berkahwin dgn lelaki berusia 37 tahun mungkin selayaknya diapnggil cucu,cicict,piut atau tah la ape lagik panggilan utk orang lepas pada cicit ni...
Lagi tambah menarik dia claim stil boleh melakukan pelbagai tugas...
First estimation kalau la dia kahwin dgn nenek ni mesti sbb kesian
Aku terfikir kalau la betul la mulia betul hati suami dia
Ye la mungkin ye orang laki leh kahwin 4 mungkin suami dia yg muda belia tu mampu nk kawen lagi
tapi pokok pangkal nya dia still sanggup nk kahwin dgn Nek Wook tu

Aku ada dgr cerita@rumours@myth mana satu saje korang nk pilih
Cerita nye suaminya(sblm jadi suami)
selalu menolong Nek Wook ni
and atas dasar kesian dia pon berkahwin dgn Wook ni
Sbb alang2 Wook ni dok sorang and dia terlalu kesian kan Wook ni

Kalau ada suara2 jahat ckp-
"ala tah2 dia kawen sbb nk dpt harta org tua ni"
Ni jauh dari pengetahuan and tak berani nk ckp
tapi kalo korang tgk gambar artikel and baca artikel ni sampi hbis aku tak raser Wook ni org kaya....

So estimation aku lelaki ni mmg nk membantu Wook ni dan nk menjaga dia
Umur,kedut di tolak tepi....
Ada lagik manusia yg betul2 mulia dan baik hati macamni
Kat sekeliling kita skang bnyk je kisah walaupon mampu nk bernikah laki ke

still wat macam2, kalo tgk pada isteri2 depa lawa je
tak da pulak kedut
ye la da nama pun isteri org kaya
sibuk la ke pusat pelangsingan,botox and whatsoever.....

jadi kesimpulan nya cinta "Wook dan suaminya"(kekekke berjiwang pulak)
mmg lebih hebat la nk dbandingkan dgn PGL atau ape2 pon
sbb kalo tanya lelaki yg muda belia skarang pon dr 10
suku hati depa tak mudah nak kata Ya
utk berkahwin dgn perempuan setua Wook ni

Menjaga org tua ni bukan snag lagik2 umur da langkau 106tahun
Nenek aku pon usia2 terakhir 72tahun pon
seriously tak mudah....

apepon still,cinta ni menggunakan bnyk method untuk di translatekan
Bukan sekadar setia
Bukan sekadar i love you, you love me
I boleh beri you intan berlian..
(aku xtau nk gune structured phrase)

Lips-posed-to-speaks : "Caya la Nek Wook" \0/
- lagi berita pasal Wook ni
"Makanlah apa yang ada”

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Why U look..FAT??!!

Grr... huhuhu nak marah pon ade

tp last2 kna jwb dgn senyuman..supaya kelihatan mesra..sobsob

bukan slah dorg pon kalo bdn kite nk naik

tapi tekanan tu ade

n yg plg obivious there are plenty friends

do their observation (agaknya) on mek

alo tak masa bile they could find when im thin

and really fat

but now is not the right time to buy new cloth so bulan

ni kene hbis utk tudung je la kot

eii kesian nye..pathetic..poor me...tapi plg funny bnyk pula andaian why i am getting fat...

Posibbility #1


Gloria look sexy dlm MADAGASCAR Escape to Africa.heheh..

Me:Nope..Other than that

Posibbility #2


I know you're happy now dear..

Me:knapa selalu masyarakat dunia ni percaya when u are fat u are happier???

Girl A:Might b when u happier u forget to take care of yourself

Girl B:Ala as long your BF didn't freaking care what your physical figure ok la

BF:I never ever complaining about your figure..please be confident as what i knw you

Me:If man ever wonder why girls hate being fat..

Girl C:Ok what as long as you've got frens take care of mine,there's no one realised what i'm wearing

sometimes I thought I always trying so hard to look good

Posibbility #3


Are you sick?

Me:Yes, I have to take some medication..Doc kata medication ni drawback dia naikkan selera mkn..benci

Girl A:As long as you not felt sicked anymore's good for you

Me: Hurmmmm

Posibbility #4


You x g jogging da kot..sbb bnyk duduk

Me:Yes so long2 time

Girl A:So that's why know what, I'm done this this and this..don't do that that and that

Me:Bla..bla.. Ms. Trainer

Posibbility #5



Girl A:Kau tau Sitikus tu wat liposuction sbb tu nampk cam kurus aje.

Me:If you got much money why not...kalau aku pon nk juga

Girl B:A'aah me tooMe:Cepat,mudah dan berkesan..skarang kan bnyk teknologi canggih gitu nk susah pyh nape

Erm...anyway ade yg lbh funny motivation from friends


Being FAT is not a crime (heheh)


when my friend and I go for a walk at shopping mall yesterday we found interesting car sticker "I might b FAT.But you are ugly.I can diet" (sound pathetic!! but funny)


Ala as long your figure didn't change you

(..I'm already changed dear!!)


Smpan je utk sekejap..skang kan musim hujan mana tau kot2 dpt memanaskan kau..(tidakkkkk)

lips-posed-to-speaks:Have to do something with one could help you on this except yourself!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Why She Choosed Zebra

Why she used zebra?

Is there anyone wonder why Katy Perry used zebra in her video - Hot n Cold (almost frm last part of her video)?Aku perasan bile da tiap2 pg kat MTV mesti keluar skarang...

Aku pon tak tahu..But once, one of my guy friends asked us....

Guy :If you girls go to the jungle and lost and all of you find a horse what it would be?
Girl #1 :Kuda hitam
Guy :Kau kuda ape
Girl #2 :Kuda putih
Guy :LOL and gigles
Girls :So what's up with the 'kuda'?
Guy :If you picked kuda hitam you kind of wild and everything u dont really mind-
because u've got lot to do then might be wantto entertain you child though.
But if you picked kuda putih you kind of romantic,patience and want to experience
evry single time..
Girl #2:Kau ni tak senonoh la ceta cam ni kat kami..
Guy :La kot ye pon kau da pilih kuda hitam, doesnt mean I cant thought what you
really are...LOL
Girl #2:Ala this one is not a fact...
Guy :Tp kau da marah aku...LOL
Girl #2:Kau xnak ckp pape? (asked Girl #2 to #1)
Girl #1:Nope..
Girl #2:Ala kau ni...pretend didnt have much to say or happy that you've just picked kuda
Girl #1:La ke situ pulak...erm no la I've just wonder what if we choose kuda coklat,
kuda tompok2 or kuda kepang..kuda kayu ke ala cam ceta p.ramlee dulu2
So how was it? What is our type...(LOL)
Guy :Ermm... Aaaaa..Ala..No comments
Girl #2:Hehe i liked what you say now..Guy will always b guys

Time ni Katy Perry mungkin tak jadi singer lagi atau pon tgh record lagu ni (heheh....imagine....imagine)erm tak tau la...ala org lelaki sbb tu bile bnd2 cam ni tetibe boleh jadi broad minded..xpaham
tapi lps tgk videoclip Katy Perry tak la ckp myth my guy friends tu boleh dipercayai...jauh sekali tapi may b ade btol nye..Sbb lagi kalo korang perasan kalau ade movie romance they always used kuda putih instead the black one..
And selalunya kuda hitam utk ceta perang2..So utk lagu Katy Perry tu dia pilih zebra may b sbb mcm lagu tu sendiri ceta pasal somthing yg boyfriend dia xbapa nak sure

Girl #2 :Ala bab komitmen bukan sume lelaki suke ckp...
Guy :Knapa komitmen masuk campur ni..Ade je perempuan tak ready dgn komitmen..
tp type mcm tu selalu perempuan bnyk aku suke..
Girls :Huh..tu la dia da la suka judging org..ngikis lak tu..ape la nk jadik
dgn laki zmn skang
Guy :Semakin kayala duit aku + girl aku
Girls :Huh!Whatever..kau da kna pangkah da

Berbalik pd lagu Katy Perry (korang baca lirik ni)

'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in and you're out
You're up and you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
You, you don't really wanna stay, no
You, but you don't really wanna go, oh

ni la contoh lelaki yg xsure ape yg btol2 dia nak...
nak itu DAN ini
nak itu ATAU ini
ada beza 2 ayat ini

kejap2 nak itu DAN ini
kejap2 nak itu ATAU ini
yang ni mengada

Then, after she bring out the zebra her boy friends look shocked
Ye la might be he is thingking what Katy Perry would be
Either wild enough or slow steady and romantic.....
Or she also don't know what to picked
Might be a way to satisfy her unsure boyfriend..
so she would be a cameleon changing watever her boyfriend want to..

Girl #1 :She need to get her own life
Guy :Ala lagu je
Girl #2 :or might be she still don't know what she want to be then..

Huhuhu I also don't know la...
Lips-posed-to-speak: At least still got an option to choose..

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Go Blogging Go!

Everyone go blog-ing!
just thingkin' sometime need some medium to speak up
..about everything and anything
release some tense
share opinion with others