Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Why U look..FAT??!!

Grr... huhuhu nak marah pon ade

tp last2 kna jwb dgn senyuman..supaya kelihatan mesra..sobsob

bukan slah dorg pon kalo bdn kite nk naik

tapi tekanan tu ade

n yg plg obivious there are plenty friends

do their observation (agaknya) on mek

alo tak masa bile they could find when im thin

and really fat

but now is not the right time to buy new cloth so bulan

ni kene hbis utk tudung je la kot

eii kesian nye..pathetic..poor me...tapi plg funny bnyk pula andaian why i am getting fat...

Posibbility #1


Gloria look sexy dlm MADAGASCAR Escape to Africa.heheh..

Me:Nope..Other than that

Posibbility #2


I know you're happy now dear..

Me:knapa selalu masyarakat dunia ni percaya when u are fat u are happier???

Girl A:Might b when u happier u forget to take care of yourself

Girl B:Ala as long your BF didn't freaking care what your physical figure ok la

BF:I never ever complaining about your figure..please be confident as what i knw you

Me:If man ever wonder why girls hate being fat..

Girl C:Ok what as long as you've got frens take care of mine,there's no one realised what i'm wearing

sometimes I thought I always trying so hard to look good

Posibbility #3


Are you sick?

Me:Yes, I have to take some medication..Doc kata medication ni drawback dia naikkan selera mkn..benci

Girl A:As long as you not felt sicked anymore's good for you

Me: Hurmmmm

Posibbility #4


You x g jogging da kot..sbb bnyk duduk

Me:Yes so long2 time

Girl A:So that's why know what, I'm done this this and this..don't do that that and that

Me:Bla..bla.. Ms. Trainer

Posibbility #5



Girl A:Kau tau Sitikus tu wat liposuction sbb tu nampk cam kurus aje.

Me:If you got much money why not...kalau aku pon nk juga

Girl B:A'aah me tooMe:Cepat,mudah dan berkesan..skarang kan bnyk teknologi canggih gitu nk susah pyh nape

Erm...anyway ade yg lbh funny motivation from friends


Being FAT is not a crime (heheh)


when my friend and I go for a walk at shopping mall yesterday we found interesting car sticker "I might b FAT.But you are ugly.I can diet" (sound pathetic!! but funny)


Ala as long your figure didn't change you

(..I'm already changed dear!!)


Smpan je utk sekejap..skang kan musim hujan mana tau kot2 dpt memanaskan kau..(tidakkkkk)

lips-posed-to-speaks:Have to do something with one could help you on this except yourself!

1 comment:

matnoi said...

em..apa2 la..yg penting jg kesihatan tu.FAT its dazen min unhealty..(aku pon nek gak berat..huaaaaaa)